How To Choose A Medical Practice Software For Your Practice?
Most Of The time I have been asked when a new Practice is starting and a practice which is deciding to improve their Operations, as to What is the best Medical Practice Software for Us? My answer to this question is always, It Depends.....The most important question that needs addressing isHow Comfortable are staff members with the New Practice Management Software.I would think this is the biggest most important deciding factor when choosing a Practice Management Software e.g. something like Best Practice or Medical Director.Mainly because if the staff is used to One Software and you change to another then there would be a huge learning curve which might outweigh the additional benefits you are looking.All of the Feature You Are Looking ForHas it got all of the features you are looking for? I have just created a small table below outlining the main differences between Medical Director and Pracsoft.User InterfaceHow simple and easy is the user interface, e.g. Best Practice Software's user interface is designed to be easy to use and navigate whereas Medical Director's user interface and got more learning curve to it.Other Important Features to Look out for can be:
- How easy is Patient Information Tracking
- Centralised Billing
- Insightful Reporting
- Comprehensive Search Function
Accessible Customer SupportThis pretty much is one of the most important things, how good is the Customer Service And Support.When a patient's billing is not working or if the Drug Database upgrade has gon haywire and you need to contact the Support how responsive are they.Now, one of the benefits in choosing Xpresstexas your IT Provider is that we offer Level 1 and Level 2 Support and we can deal with your Software Provider e.g. Best Practice and Medical Director on your behalf and get everything sorted for you.Integrates Well With Your Other SystemsAs more and more Medical Practices in Australia are getting connected with other systems you need to make sure that the software you choose can easily integrate with other systems e.g.
- Proper Integration with Pathology providers, e.g. Medlabs and/or 4cyte and the others.
- Integration with Online booking systems e.g. Health Engine or Hot Docs.
- Integrating with other EMR (Electronic Medical Records) software to exchange scripts.
How Well Is the Security Of The SoftwareNow, this is something where you might need the help of your IT Provider for this. Having Security to Patient's Data is one of the fundamentals in running a Medical Practice.Having a Proper System in Place rather than just an Anti-Virys with give you the satisfaction and security you need to run a profitable practice.Are You Looking For a Better Medical Practice Software for Your Practice?Give us a call so that we can organise a trial for you and discuss different options with you.You can call us on 1300 991 030 or visit us by Clicking the Link belowXpressteX Medical IT Support